How To: Pack Your Pack for Backpacking
Can you say that three times fast?
You might think backpacking is as easy as throwing camp on your back and taking off, but it helps to know a thing or two about weight distribution and efficient placing before you take the plunge.
Packing your bag is an art that can make your entire experience all the better. When weight is evenly distributed on your hips and things you need fast are easy to get to, you can save a lot of pain (physical and mental) while trekking. This, in turn, makes your trip a far better experience and will probably (hopefully) make you want to get out and do it all over again!
Let's take a peek at how to pack below!
Now, let's just say if you're a seasoned trail dweller, we are sure you have a system that works and we're not here to tell you how to rock on out there. This is mostly for the newbie, those looking for some extra direction, or anyone interested in the potential of backpacking. But, by all means, please keep reading
From the Bottom, Up!
Let's start at the bottom. Whether your pack has a mid-compartment zip or one opening at the top, your tent, sleeping bag, and potentially sleeping pas can all rest there. Since they are typically easily compressed, a medium weight, and the last thing you'll need each night, they are best placed at the bottom. In the middle is where you'll house your food, water, and clothing. Since your water will likely be the heaviest, you want it in the middle of the pack to provide the best support. This will help with the center of gravity and any adjustments made along the way. *Fun Fact! 1L of water weighs a little over 2 lbs! Think of how much this will add up when choosing your water systems for your trip. And, finally, the top of the pack and the brain should contain anything you might need to access easily throughout the walking portion of your trip. This can include water filters, first aid kits, snacks, and bug spray.Accessories Make The Fit
There are typically a plethora of accessory straps on backpacking bags and for good reason! On the bottom, you can store a closed cell sleeping pad if that's what you're using, or even a spare pair of shoes if you buckle them down tight enough. *Pro Tip: Always secure your items to your straps. In the event anything comes loose or falls out, the items will end up hitting the back of your legs rather than the trail behind you! On the sides, you can always strap down poles or affix your hat when the sun goes down. And of course, the shoulder straps are a great sport to store your navigation device, bear spray, camera, or sunnies!We hope this gives you some insight into what you'll need and how to set up your back for ultimate comfort and accessibility on the trail. Whatever you need to get prepped for camping adventures this summer, know you can find it on Geartrade! Have fun, be safe, leave your heart on the trails, and we'll catch you out there!