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The UnNews

  • ocean plastics washed up on beach

    Support Brands Repurposing Ocean Plastics 

    Ocean plastics are a huge problem. We can all do our part by limiting our use of single-use plastic. We can also vote with our money by supporting brands that...

    Annie Fast |

  • Person standing at the end of a pier wearing hdry jacket and gear

    Introducing HDry

    We’ve got the scoop on a new, eco-forward waterproofing technology In many cases, waterproofing is one of the most critical aspects of gear performance—whether you’re trying to stay dry during...

    Emma Athena |

  • winter mountains

    2020 Reflections

    If there’s anything we can agree on, it’s that 2020 has been a challenging year—one filled with lows and highs so expansive and dramatic, trekking from month to month has...

    Emma Athena |

  • orthovox gear

    Geartrade Spotlight: ORTOVOX Swisswool Review

    How our German friends at ORTOVOX made a traditional fiber the cool new thing in outerwear. If there’s anything we love around here at Geartrade, it’s gear made to last....

    Beth Lopez |

  • Insta-Recycled-Wool-Waterproof-Picnic-Blanket-in-Black-Watch-Tartan

    Best of the best: Recycled Wool

    While we think recycled wool holds its own against its original counterparts, don’t take our word for it—test it out yourself. To start, and to help make your research life...

    Emma Athena |

  • Coloured wool at Fountains Abbey's

    The Inside Scoop: Recycled Wool

    Forget pumpkin spice, recycled wool is inspiring our autumnal celebrations this year. The versatile and eco-friendly material being incorporated into ever-more apparel, and for good reason: recycled wool performs oh-so-similarly...

    Emma Athena |

  • textile

    The inside scoop: TENCEL™

    As outdoor companies merge technical apparel with casual wear, light and versatile fabrics like TENCEL™ are growing ever-more popular. Now you can find this plant-based fabric in everything from boxers...

    Emma Athena |