A Year of Reflections on Living an UnNew Life
The Challenge: go an entire year buying UnNew goods except for food and medical supplies. Could you do it? Month twelve: A year of reflections on living an UnNew life.
Emma Athena |
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The Challenge: go an entire year buying UnNew goods except for food and medical supplies. Could you do it? Month twelve: A year of reflections on living an UnNew life.
Emma Athena |
The Challenge: go an entire year buying UnNew goods except for food and medical supplies. Could you do it? Month eleven: Reconsider your perceptions of gift-giving this holiday season.
Emma Athena |
The Challenge: go an entire year buying UnNew goods except for food and medical supplies. Could you do it? Month ten: You are what you throw away.
Emma Athena |
The Challenge: go an entire year buying UnNew goods except for food and medical supplies. Could you do it? Month nine: practical sustainability for everyone.
Emma Athena |
The Challenge: go an entire year buying UnNew goods except for food and medical supplies. Could you do it? Month eight: the emotional weight of stuff.
Emma Athena |
The Challenge: go an entire year buying UnNew goods except for food and medical supplies. Could you do it? Month six: consumption.
Emma Athena |
The Challenge: go an entire year buying UnNew goods except for food and medical supplies. Could you do it? Month six: Confessions of a shopaholic.
Emma Athena |
The Challenge: go an entire year buying UnNew goods except for food and medical supplies. Could you do it? Month five: the joy of discarding.
Emma Athena |
Ideally in my mind, this Year of UnNew would feature not a single purchase of a single new thing. Literally nothing (save food and medicine, as we outlined at the...
Emma Athena |